1. I started my blog because I wanted a place to share my thoughts & feelings, as well as new projects with my family and friends. I have a large extended family and keeping in touch with people across the US and the World is hard. This blog makes it a bit easier.
2. One thing I love seeing on other blogs are personal stories of heartache and triumph. Why heartache you might ask? It reminds me that we are all real people with real struggles. It is not always easy to share the good and the bad in an open forum, but I always appreciate it when people make the choice to do it.
3. Something I love about blogging is sharing new products I find that I think others will love. I also love blogging about the adventures in my life. I feel like there is never a dull moment.
4. A favorite blog post of mine is this one about my graduation or this one about my most recent birthday. Both were celebrations that caught me totally off guard. My Orlando Magic themed birthday party was a total surprise to me (and I LOVED IT). The graduation celebration was not a surprise, but one of my favorite times. I still cannot believe that I have completed both my Bachelor's and Master's degrees. So crazy to think about!
5. Something my friends in real life know about me that I've never before mentioned on my blog is that I am left-handed. Crazy right?? I know it is simple, but it's something that most of my real life friends know that my blog family might not. :)
6. My favorite blogs to read are Heather over at Twinkie Tot Mom, Linny over at A Place Called Simplicity, and Chelsea over at The Jacobs Journal. These ladies are all inspirations to me in very different ways. Some of my blog friends are also real life friends, andI treasure each of them (blog and real life) and the role they play in my life.
7. Some things I tend to avoid doing on my blog are being overly negative. This seems to be the common thread in what we are all avoiding on our blog. I want to be real, but I also want to try to find the positive in the negative situations.
*Be sure to link up with Lauren at The Little Things We Do
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