Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Know Any Good Books??

If you know me, you know that I am an avid reader.  I love to curl up with a good book.  Below are some books that are on my list to purchase. 


The Help (Kathryn Stockett)

The Bride Quartet (Nora Roberts)

Reshaping It All (Candace Cameron Bure)

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (done)
The Girl who Played with Fire (1/2 done)
The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Next (up next)
All by Stieg Larsson


The Complete Adoption Book: Everything You Need to Know to Adopt a ChildSuccessful Adoption: A Guide for Christian FamiliesOrphanology: Awakening to GospelCentered Adoption and Orphan Care
Adoption Books

101 Tees: Restyle*Refashion*Revamp by Cathie Filian (found at AGAAGG)

Book Cover Image. Title: The Hunger Games Trilogy Boxed Set, Author: by Suzanne  Collins
The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)

Have you read any good books lately?  Have any recommendations?  Let me know.  I'm always on the hunt for a new book.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

What If...

I love this question.  Sometimes I just sit around and think about what if's.  Have you ever done that?  Some hard hitting what if's, like what if I had gone to college right out of high school rather than waiting until my mid-20's?  What if I had picked a different job than the one I have now?  And some less important what ifs like, what if I had worn my hair curly  today instead of straight?  What if I had gone to this place for dinner over that one?  My favorite though is what if I won the lottery? 

The state of Florida (which is where I live) offers the Powerball lottery ticket.  This jackpot often soars in to the 200+ million territory as it rolls over from week to week.  It is fun to think about what I would do with the money if I got it. 

Me?  Well, 10% goes to the church, automatically (yes, even though it is lottery winnings).  A LARGE chunk would be invested.  It is important to me to have the money wisely invested so that it might benefit my grandchildren, great-grandchildren, even great-great grandchildren, and so on.  You get the point.

I would then take care of those people who have taken care of me for so long.  Family (certain ones) and friends (who are family).

My school loans would be easily paid off.

I would travel.

I would buy a house (and land).

I would be able to adopt a child(ren). (Which I will still do, but if I won the lottery, the financial burden would be removed).**

Since I can be honest here, I will say that I would probably "blow" a good chunk of it too.  I am an avid shopper and my current funds do not always support that.  :)

My biggest splurge?  Season tickets to the Orlando Magic.  Floor seats.  Cost.........A LOT! :)

Another large chunk would go to various charities that I have fallen in love with, Visiting Orphans, A Gift for Teaching, The Florida Baptist Children's Home, and many more. 

After that, who knows!  The skies the limit.  What would you do with the money if you won the lottery?

**The financial burden of adopting can be overwhelming at times, but often times I think it brings a person closer to God and strengthens their walk with Him.  We must fully rely on Him to make it through.

Monday, August 22, 2011

1st Day of School

It's that time of year again.  School is officially back in session.  This year Alexandra is in 1st grade and Madelyn is moving to a new class as well.  I am praying for them, their classmates, and their teachers as we begin this school year.

Good Luck Girls!!!

Cha Cha is praying for you and cheering for you!

She just loves her new Harajuku Mini backpack


Say Cheese!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Stress & Worry!

If you read my previous blog, you read # 9 where I said I was good at a lot of things, but not great at anything. Well, I might have to amend that because there is something I am great at……stressing and worrying. The Lord tells us not to worry about tomorrow and I cling to those promises more than most. I also know that I am human and I definitely falter in this area.

What am I stressed/worried about right now you might ask? Money…specifically repaying my student loans. I continue to struggle with being the best steward of the financial gifts God has given me, but I try my best. Now I have completed my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree and it is time to begin repaying my loans.

This is very personal for me and not something I would normally share in such a public forum, but I believe in the power of prayer. So that is what I am asking you. Please pray for me over the next several months. I will be re-figuring my budget to include the repayment of my student loans along with my current bills and continuing to tithe.

My parents told me numerous times growing up that continuing to tithe often did not work on paper, but through God’s provisions, there was always enough money in the bank for all the bills and their tithe. I am going to cling to these promises of God as I begin my own financial journey with God.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

25 Things You Don't Know About Me

If you have ever read an issue of US Weekly, you will find their column 25 Things You Don't Know About Me.  It wasn't easy to come up with 25 things, but I finally finished the list.  I hope you enjoy this list of 25 things you may not know about me.

1.  I have loved He-Man (and Masters of the Universe) since I was 4 years old (and continue to love him).
2.  I want to adopt a child (or children)....possibly in the near future.
3.  My favorite downhome restaurant is Fat Boys in Kissimmee, FL.
4.  I wish I had more time to volunteer and more money to help the less fortunate.
5.  I want to own my own hotel.
6.  I love Calamari and Gator bites.
7.  Nothing beats homemade Sweet Tea.
8.  My favorite color has always been purple.
9.  I am good at lots of things, but not GREAT at anything.
10.  I have two cousins that are closer to me than anything.  They are more my brother and sister than cousins.
11.  My best friend and her family are the best/truest example of "family" I have ever seen.
12.  I often talk first and think second.
13.  I love puzzle books.  They keep my mind alert!
14.  I am a read-a-holic.  I will anything {almost} that I am given!
15.  I LOVE the Orlando Magic.
16.  I have never been to Europe, Asia, or Africe.  I am hoping to change that in 2012-2013 by visiting both Africa and Europe.
17.  I am addicted to Switchflops by Lindsay Phillips.  Genius Idea!
18.  I have never truly been in love.
19.  I believe ALL birthdays are special days and should be celebrated in a BIG way.
20.  A genuine belly laugh from a baby is the best sound in the whole world.
21.  I am left handed.
22.  I haven't seen my natural hair color since I was 16, but I think it's a light brown.
23.  My dad and I have a special relationship.  We hit a rough patch for a few years, but I am so thankful for where we are in our relationship now.
24.  I am afraid of costumed characters!  Irrational? Yes!  But a fear nonetheless.  I've gotten a lot better over the years.  I can be in the same area now, but I can't look at them and I panic if they come near me.
25.  I suffer from anxiety (as most of us do), but have been controlling it {without meds} for the last four years.

Well, I hope you have enjoyed getting to know me a bit better.  I hope it inspires you to make your own list.  Trust me when I say it will take longer than you think.  If you do, make sure you send it to me.  I would love to read more about you.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunday School Teacher

Yesterday, Ashley and I completed our first year as Sunday School teachers to the younger 3's class.  This was my first time being the teacher in the room.  It was such a blessing.  I have grown to love these kids (well, most of them - lol) so much.  It was actually much tougher than I thought to say goodbye to them when I left on Sunday.  I knew that when I arrived next week that it would be to a whole new group of kids.

On Sunday, one child in particular gave both Ashley and I homemade cards to say thank you.  Ava Kennelly is such a sweet girl.  I am so thankful to have had her in our class for the first year.

Below is the card she colored and the sweet note from her (I think her mom probably helped :) )

This Sunday brings an entirely new group of kids.  They will gain a new place in my heart, but this first group of kids is something very special that I can never replace.

Henry in Parenting magazine

Marvin is one of my co-workers at work.  He came in this morning beaming from ear-to-ear.  It didn't take me long to figure out why.  His grandson is featured in the September 2011 issue of Parenting magazine.  He is one proud grandpa!  If you get this magazine, check out Henry on page 102 and in a full page spread on page 110.  What a cutie!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Changes, Changes, & more Changes

So I said I was going to blog more, so here we go!  The first blog is about changes.  Specifically the changes in me over the last two years.  When I first sat down and thought about it, I didn't think much had changed.  However, after beginning the list, I realized that not only have I changed in my outer appearance, but my thoughts and goals are changing too.

First, my outer appearance has changed by about 40 lbs.  Two years ago I decided to get healthier.  I began following the Zone lifestyle.  I love that this is called a Lifestyle, not a diet.  I was extremely strict with the lifestyle and was able to drop 40 lbs in about 12-14 weeks.  It is now 2 years later and I am proud to say that I am still within 10 lbs of that goal weight.  I don't follow the program as strictly, but I am more aware of good vs bad carbs and when to splurge vs eat healthy.  I am confident that I will be able to keep the weight off for the rest of my life if I continue using the knowledge I have gained.



Another big change for me over the last two years is the completion of my MBA.  In 2009 I completed my Bachelor's degree from Ashford University.  If you know me at all, you know that college was never really in my plans.  So it was a shock to most of you (and me) when I enrolled to complete my Bachelor's degree.  So imagine my surprise when I began missing the school atmosphere and the learning.  Two months after completing my Bachelor's degree, I enrolled at Columbia Southern University to pursue my MBA in Hospitality and Tourism.  In April 2011, I completed my Master's degree with a 4.0GPA, all while continuing to work two jobs.  Now I am in the process of planning my graduation party.  Keep checking your mailboxes for the invites.

Ashford University - Bachelor's Degree

Columbia Southern University - MBA
 Now, to the inside.  I feel like I am always evolving and changing.  The last five years or so have been a very trying time in my life.  At some points I was holding on to a lot of bitterness and anger.  I have since learned that these emotions do nothing but poison myself.  There are no negatives for the person I have the feelings towards.  Through lots AND LOTS of prayer, I was able to let go of those emotions.  I am a much stronger person (emotionally) than I was two years ago.  I am stronger in my beliefs and convictions.  I am beginning to realize what I want in life (I know, it took me longer than most) and I am going after it.

How have you changed over the last few years?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Unending Love

I have not yet been blessed with the joy of motherhood.  In face, technically, I have not been blessed with the joy of nieces/nephews either.  However, I have been blessed with an adopted family that has given me these things.  These kids may not be linked to me biologically, but I can assure you, there is not anything I would not do for them.  I love them unconditionally.  I want only the best for them.  I cannot imagine my life without them.  So, with that said, I thought I would share them with you.  Enjoy :)

The first born, Alexandra.  She is now 5.  She can read 400 words and she learns more every day.  My grandfather passed away a few months back.  When I came home from the funeral, she asked me "Cha Cha (that is what the kids call me), are you okay?  Did you get to say goodbye to your grandpa?"  She is such a sweet spirit.

The next princess is Madelyn.  Her faces and mannerisms keep me laughing daily.  She is now 3.  She is talking up a storm.  She is addicted to lollipops and ice cream.  And seeing as I get the roll of aunt, I never (or hardly ever) say no to those requests.

Preston is the only boy and he is currently 18 months old.  He has what I call a Million $$ Smile.  This kid will melt your heart with his smile and he gives it freely.  I can hardly wait to see what sort of young man he grows in to.

Lastly, little Princess Aubrey was added to the family just over a year ago.  She is so dainty and so precious.  She is the shy one of the bunch, but once she warms up to you, you never want to let her go.  She just turned 1 in July.

Family comes in all sorts of definitions! They may not be blood related, but I could not love them any more if they were.
XOXO - "Cha Cha"

Baby Sullivan - The First 12 Weeks

Baby Sullivan – The First 12 weeks Chris and I made the decision not to tell a soul about our current pregnancy until we hit the 12 week...